Podcasts are on the rise, and there are many benefits and upsides to podcasting for you or your business. In addition to reaching more customers, a great podcast can also provide additional revenue through advertising and affiliate marketing. 

While it seems fun and easy, it can be very difficult to produce a professional sounding podcast on a budget.Whether your project is a podcast, an audio book, recording content for your app, or a radio production, 

TerryJ Studios podcast studio has all the recording and mixing equipment you need to create professional sounding, broadcast-quality podcasts.

The Studio It is equipped with a broadcast-quality mixing board, and remote participants can be patched in via Telephone, or VOIP platforms like Google Voice/ Skype. 

The studio can only accommodate up to three people, each with their own microphone and audio headphone input due to COVID-19 Restrictions.

Once recording is done, mixing and editing can be done on our Apple iMac with our complimentary audio editing programs such as Garage band.
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